Wednesday, May 18, 2016


   Fresh off the Lakers receiving the second overall pick in this years NBA draft, it's time to usher in a new era for the purple and gold. Hopefully we can get someone that can be just as great as Los Angeles legends of the past but I wanted to take some time to pay respects of one who just decided he was moving on from the League. Kobe. Just like that it has all come to an end. Growing up in California it is needless to say that I was and still am a diehard Laker fan. Of course Kobe was my favorite player. I didn't want to be like Mike.
Kobe was my Mike. I even had a pair of those hideous Adidas moon boots he used to wear and  the afro. Partly because back then I couldn't afford a haircut but thats besides the point.
   Some of my favorite Kobe moments even though there are way too many to count were him scoring 81 when I was in high school, him hitting the game winner against the Suns in game 4 of the playoffs and the championship win over Boston. Watching his last game was bittersweet. I was glad to see him do well and come up with enough highlight plays that everyone paid to see. There was a dramatic ending with a come from behind victory and triumph as he became the only player to end his career with a 60 point game and the highest points scored in the NBA for this season. The mamba was very venomous through out the night. Even if you are not a fan of Kobe you wanted to see him do well. He was like the super cool villain which strangely had you rooting for the bad guy. Not having Kobe around anymore is really going to sting but his legacy will live on forever in the NBA. The reason why people chant mvp at free throw line, Kobe's work ethic and killer instinct is unparalleled. Even though my Lakers completely sucked the past few years I still ride with my team because when you are a Laker, you are a Laker for Life. Now that the ping pong balls have bounced in our favor I am excited to see what new superstar emerges and brings us right back to prominence!

Mamba Caleb out.

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